Friday, June 11, 2010

What Do We Do Tonight, Brain? Same Thing We Do Every Night, Pinky...

May 2010 - Crime: Carrying firearms across state lines with the intent to start a riot
Madisonville, Tennessee - What do you do when you feel that your country has been taken over by a Democrat not born in the United States?

Well, if you are Darren Wesley Huff, conceal carry permit holder, you attempt to take over Madisonville, Tennessee, population 3,939.

The problem started for Darren when he heard that a fellow 'birther', Walter Fitzpatrick, had been arrested for inciting a riot when he attempted to make citizen's arrests against those individuals who had refused in a grand jury to consider the case against President Obama for treason.  Fitzpatrick's previous legal history included being court-martialed from the Navy.

Darren was so outraged that his fellow Oath Keeper had been arrested that he decided that he and some friends would start out from his Dalton, Georgia home armed with three handguns and an AK-47 rifle and take over the Monroe County courthouse in Madisonville.  He not only made the decision to go through with the plan, he told everyone about his plan, his bank manager and a local radio talk show. He even told the police officer that pulled him over for a traffic stop.  Darren went to far as to tell the officer he was willing to "die for his rights".

When Darren and his friends showed up at the courthouse they were shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that they were seriously outnumbered by local state and federal officials.

1 comment:

  1. Another example of a conceal carry permit holder committing a shooting crime:
