Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Story That Will Break Your Heart

September, 2009 - Crime: Impersonating a police officer
San Rafael, Florida - Back in 2002, police officer named Timothy McGinley was involved in a car crash which caused a serious brain injury. The injury, unfortunately, cost Officer McGinley his career in law enforcement.

[Those who work with individuals will tell you that people who suffer from TBI (Traumatic brain injuries) will tell you it can effect not only cognitive processes but also emotional processes and personality. While the article does not state directly the impairments Officer McGinley suffered, I wanted to make note that the behavior discussed in the article could very well have been the result of his disability. That said, this is solely this blogger's opinion and not gospel. ed]

Four years later, Mr. McGinley was arrested for walking into a church with a concealed weapon and three controlled substances. After posting bond, he made the poor choice of returning to the church and confronting the minister. The police were once again called and this time Mr. McGinley showed them a police badge and a card which stated "Sworn CCW for life". When the police verified that Mr. McGinley was no longer a police officer, he was arrested again.

This month, after a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Mr. McGinley was arrested for violating his parole. While in police custody, Tim McGinley hung himself in his jail cell.

While there are multitudes of tragedies connected to this story, this blog is dedicated to CCW. It is unfathomable that an individual with a disabling brain injury would be permitted to get a permit since the mental and emotional disablity is permanent.

Our prayers are with Tim McGinley's family.

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